The Training Conference of Remote sensing calibration & Spectrum Application 2017 co-sponsored and organized by LICA International Group Limited and ASD Inc.(a PANalytical company ) was held in Wulumuqi and Nanchang, China.
2017/4/13 Wulumuqi, China
Host :Xinjiang University
Sponsor: LICA International Group Limited , ASD Inc.
The training conference was held in room 316, Graduate School, Xinjiang University. More than 100 scientists from Xinjiang University, Xinjiang Agriculture University, Xinjiang Normal University, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography CAS, Shihezi University, Xinjiang Academy of Forestry, Xinjiang Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Xinjiang Meteorology attended the meeting.
Li Xiaodong, research professor and Secretary of Communist Party Committee of College of resources and environmental science ,Xinjiang University delivered a speech for the conference.

Dr. Brian Curtiss,co founder and CTO of ASD Inc. gave a speech on the topic of The application and development of Fieldspec in hyperspectral remote sensing and Near surface hyperspectral remote sensing, in the morning, and Rain Zhu ,engineer of LICA International Group Limited acted as the interpreter .

Joe Jablonski, Director of Electro-Optical System Engineering of Labsphere, introduced the method of radiometric and remote sensing calibration measurement. Dr.Lin Xiaofeng acted as the interpreter . Chen Bin deputy director of the Institute of cotton, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, shared his experience of Fieldspec in Agriculture Remote Sensing Application

Brian Curtiss博士和美国Labsphere公司Joe Jablonski先生为参会老师颁发了培训证书。
Han Shanlong, technical engineer of LICA International Group Limited made training on the application and maintenance of the instrument for the participants.After the training , the participants had discussion with Dr. Brian Curtiss on the instrument application ,and obtained a training certificate awarded by Dr. Brian Curtiss and Joe Jablonski.

2017/4/17 Nanchang,China
Host : Jiangxi Remote Sensing Information System Center
Sponsor: LICA International Group Limited , ASD Inc.
The training conference was held in Ganjiang Hotel ,Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. More than 60 scientists from Jiangxi Remote Sensing Information System Center, Jiangxi Normal University ,Jiangxi Agriculture University, Jiangxi Agriculture of Sciences, Jiangxi Hydraulic Research Institute attended the meeting.
Fan Zhewen ,General Director of Jiangxi Remote Sensing Information System Center delivered a speech for the conference.

Dr. Brian Curtiss,co founder and CTO of ASD Inc. gave a speech on the topic of The application and development of Fieldspec in hyperspectral remote sensing and Near surface hyperspectral remote sensing, in the morning, and Rain Zhu ,engineer of LICA International Group Limited acted as the interpreter . Joe Jablonski, Director of Electro-Optical System Engineering of Labsphere, introduced the method of radiometric and remote sensing calibration measurement. Dr.Lin Xiaofeng acted as the interpreter . Chen Bin deputy director of the Institute of cotton, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, shared his experience of Fieldspec in Agriculture Remote Sensing Application

Le Xinghua ,research professor of Jiangxi Remote Sensing Information System Center, introduced the Application of Portable Spectrometer in measurement research in Boyang Lake .Ni Caiying, professor of Jiangxi Normal University introduced the application of Fieldspec in measurement research in heavy metal pollution monitoring of Boyang Lake.

Han Shanlong, technical engineer of LICA International Group Limited made training on the application and maintenance of the instrument for the participants.

After the training , the participants had discussion with Dr. Brian Curtiss on the instrument application ,and obtained a training certificate awarded by Dr. Brian Curtiss and Joe Jablonski.

Training Conference of Remote Sensing Calibration & Spectrum Application 2017 is the fifth tour training conference sponsored by LICA International Group Limited. LICA International Group Limited sponsored the conference in Beijing Xi’an Wuhan Nanjing 2013, in Changchun Lanzhou Chengdu Hangzhou 2014 ,in Beijing Hohhot Guangzhou Qingdao 2015,in Zhengzhou Chongqing Beijing 2016.Field object spectrometer is considered as a useful equipment in research work by many scientists. This conference provided a chance for scientists to get the latest information of wild hyperspectral remote sensing measurement , exchanged experiences and improved approaches and ability of spectral data processing.
The participants realized the importance of the application of spectral meter in land surface object research by participating the conference. You have to choose an authentic and professional instrument which provide multiple application cases that customers can obtain high precision accurate data. ASD is a worldwide professional in spectral meter, known for its authentic technical expertise, as well as its innovative approach and leading advancement in remote sensing research used by thousands of scientists internationally .
As the exclusive distributer of ASD Inc. Filedspec spectrometer , distributer of Labsphere company Integrating Sphere , technical service provider ,LICA International Group Limited will continuously improve the technological level, providing more professional and after-sales service for scientists and our customers.
LICA International Group Limited , a professional supplier of environmental equipment and technical service providers, incorporated in 2005 Beijing ,China. The products include stable isotope determination, trace gas measurement, spectral analysis of surface features, water chemistry analysis, wild portable and long-term monitoring and analysis instruments.
LICA International Group Limited it has provided a large number of international leading instruments for authoritative research institutions, famous universities and government monitoring departments in china. The company has received a number of "211" project, the "985" project of "948" project, the Ministry of agriculture "discipline group" project, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), China Forest Ecosystem Research Network (CFERN) of large orders. This is the user's support and love for us, but also for our ability and level of service to give recognition and affirmation.
Main agent products
United States LGR laser trace gas and stable isotope analyzer
United States ASD company ground spectrometer
Italy AMS group automatic chemical analyzer and flow analyzer
Closed eddy profile and atmospheric profile survey system at CSI Inc.
Hyperspectral imager of Resonon Corporation of the United States
Us ThermoFisher Scientific gas analysis and particulate monitoring products series
Fourier infrared spectrometer, Agilent, USA
Hyperspectral imager, Itres, Canada
United States Labsphere company points ball
Remote sensing calibration and Spectrum Application Technology advisory telephone: 010-51292601
ASD spectrometer - Certified AC QQ group: 243178318
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