
IN102 Size Scanning Nephelometer


The AirPhotonAeroExplorersize scanning 3-wavelength Integrating Nephelometer(IN102) measures the light scattered by particulate matter, over the angular range 7 to 170o. Using exclusive programmable flow rates with stabilization feedback and proven cyclone inlets, the IN102 toggles between up to 4 particle sizes at selectable time periods. Employing an innovative design, the forward and backward scattering measurements are made completely independently.  LED technology allows the nephelometerto make these measurements at 450 nm, 532 nm and 632 nm, and to a sensitivity<10-7m-1.  Internal sensors measure and record temperature, relative humidity and pressure.

Small and compact, the 3-wavelength Integrating Nephelometeris enclosed in an environmentally protected case, ready for outdoor deployment in rugged conditions.  Power requirements are 25W @ 120 VAC and input power options include: 110/220 VAC, 50/60Hz with provided power supply, and regulated 12VDC from sampling station with provided power connector. Other powering options can be made available upon request such as operating from batteries or solar power. Optional heaters are available at the expense of additional power consumption. Data from the AirPhotonIN102 Integrating Nephelometeris saved in a removable SD memory card and can be linked to an external computer via RS485 using AirPhotonoptional accessories.  The AeroExplorernephelometercan be linked to the AeroExplorerfilter sampling station to sync data time series.

Size Scanning NephelometerSpecifications (IN102)

•Dimensions:  9' x 10' x 24”

•Mass: 6.8 Kg

•Power requirements: 15W @120VAC

•Light source: LED

•Operating temperature: -30 to +45oC

•Optional external pump

•Wavelengths:  450, 532, and 632 nm

•Angular range: 7 to 90o;  90 to170o

•Full scattering = forward + back scattering

•Standard range: 0.0-3,000Mm-1

•Extended range:  20,000Mm-1 (upon request)

•Lower detectable limit:<0.15 Mm-1 (at 60 sec AVG)< 0.06 Mm-1 for Backscattering (60 sec AVG)

•Clean air reference option provides automatic zero for span calibration

•Data Interfaces: 4GB SD card, RS485 (optional) 

•Syncs to AeroExplorerfilter sampling station.

•Environmentally rugged. No need for enclosure.

Unique size scanning capability

•User sets flow rate protocols that run autonomously

•Internal flow measurement recorded

•1.5 to 20 lpmfeedback stabilized

•Cycling through up to 4  flow rates controls size of particles entering measurement chamber

•Automatic scan of light scattering by up to 4 particle sizes

•Particle Size Range: PM 1 to PM 10

AeroExplorerSize Scanning Nephelometer(IN102)

Figure shows time series of total scattering of 532 nm (top) and Angstrom Exponent (bottom)  denoted by blue dots, with an 8-point running average through the blue dots denoted by the continuous red curve. The red squares denote the time series of the measured flow rate, with values shown on the right hand y-axis.  As the flow toggles between 5 and 1 lpm, allowing smaller and larger particles, respectively, the total scattering jumps between 25 and 35 m-1, and Angstrom Exponents of 0.8 and 0.25, respectively.  Confirming that the particles with the smaller cutoff size are scattering less and with a higher Angstrom Exponent than the particles with the larger cutoff size (that also include the smaller particles).

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